Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What I learned while traveling to Panama

Two weeks ago I really didn't know a whole lot about Panama other then the canal goes thru there. It's amazing how much I have learned & gotten to see in the 12 days I have been here.
   The city is wonderful, a Miami vibe with a New York sky line. Looking at the new Trump building you think your in Dubai.

Old City feels very European with its cobble stone streets, outside cafes, & plaza's where people gather to socialize. Much of the old city is under construction to restore many of the old historical building & should be great when finished.

Construction is going on everywhere in Panama, a new metro system, new airport out near the beach towns, new roads, & even a wider canal. All due to be completed by 2014.

   Overall travel to and around Panama is quit easier with a bit of planning. English is spoken in most major hotels & tourist spots.  It would still be helpful  knowing some Spanish but if not no worries you will find someone who speaks English.  There is no currency exchange everything is in US dollar.
 If its shopping you want, there are 3 major malls in the city. Albrook mall has 800 stores & adding a hotel. You can soon shop till you drop. Plus there are plenty of duty free shops & a duty free zone. 
Panamanian food is pretty basic, rice, plantains,empanadas, yucca, cevich, corn in any form, and the food is not spicy. They don't use hot sauce.

.There are 3 kinds of local beer Balboa, Panama, & Atlas.  Panama is more like a lager which I preferred.

 Panama has a rum Abuelo, which mean Grandfather. Its very tasty.
You can drink the water it's filtered. We still drink bottled water but at least you don't have to worry with ice & washing of food. 
 I learned about the Embera Indians. I also learned that sometimes even with careful planning things don't always turn out the way you expected.
I got to see the golden frog which before last week never knew one existed.

 I was prepared with my bug spray & wraps never used either. There are more mosquito in New Jersey. 

The local people are very friendly. Unemployment here is 3%.  It is safe.

  Education is free, even college. Health care is free as well.  You even get free health care while here with some of the tour operators.  No, you don't need shots to come here.

 There are tours for everything. If you are someone who likes everything planned & have a guide  to take you around you can do it here. Anyone coming to Panama for the first time I recommend staying in the city, beach, & rainforest.

It's a perfect way to get to know the country & experience a wide variety of activities.

 I look forward to my next visit back.

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