Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Holy Crap!!

Last night we had a very interesting experience one I have to share. The resort had Monday night football all set up on a big screen right on the beach. It was a great way to watch a game under the stars, hearing the waves in the background, waiter service,food, lounge chairs, & Philly fans in the house. To bad our beloved Eagles couldn't pull it out for us again last night. Okay don't want to get started there. One of our group got lucky and had the score for both the 1st half & the 2nd half getting a sunset cruise for two & snorkeling trip. Way to go Susanna!

But none of this is about what happened. Next to the area they set up for the game is the beach bar & rest rooms. All day yesterday the lady's room was closed. They worked on things all day with hoses coming out & you could catch a smell of sulfur once in a while. Last night it was open but when I went in during the 4th quarter things appeared very backed up. Not 5 minutes later the bathroom exploded! Yes, loud boom, flames, lit up the place, Jen thought it was fire works. Thankfully no one was inside the bathroom or even walking by at that moment. It was a scary thing to see.
Now I am not one to be fearful of things but holy crap this is going to make me think now before I sit.

Sent from my iPad


  1. Jill, only you could set that off. You could call that your AHA moment. I can't stop laughing. It brought tears to my eyes. That is better than the IPod
    Story. Remember in the movie Christmas Vacation when the sewer gas exploded?
    You know that will be brought up many times.
    Good luck next time.

  2. Well...I had nothing to do with this one.
