Friday, October 9, 2015

Redwood National Park

Hwy 101 takes you right through Redwood National Park and there are plenty of places to stop and enjoy these huge redwoods. Having done a little research there were a few areas and hikes I wanted to do. We only had a few hours so I needed a little game plan.
Instead of staying on 101 we took old 101 which is now, Newton Drury Parkway. On this 10 mile drive we got to see the Corkscrew Tree.

Big Tree which is estimated to be 1500 yrs old, 304 feet in height, diameter is 21.6 and the circumference is 68 feet. That is one old and huge tree.

We hiked in tall tree grove which was magnificent. My favorite was Lady Bird Johnson Grove. It is a 1.5 mile trail that is just amazing.

Her words best describe the feeling you get walking through this majestic place. 
"One of my most unforgettable memories of the past years is walking through the Redwoods last November - seeing the lovely shifts of lights flicking through the tress so far above, feeling the majesty and silence of the that forest, and watching a salmon rise in one of those swift streams - our problems seemed to fall into prospective and I think every one of us walked out more serene and happier." - Lady Bird Johnson

Elk Meadow is a great place to spot Roosevelt elk. We saw a few different herds. This guy won the prize for the biggest rack.

One of the places on the must see list was Fern Canyon. It was used in the movie Jurassic Park II. It is a beach side gorge with lush ferns and waterfalls. In the movie Dinosaurs stampeded through the gorge. The drive to get there is 12 miles on a very windy road so it takes a while. Once you arrive at Golds bluff beach it is $8.00 to enter and then you drive 4 miles on unpaved road. You park and take a short walk to a creek with ferns. It wasn't very exciting at all. This was one must see I could of live without seeing.

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