Monday, June 8, 2015

A Memorable Sundowner at Kapamba Bushcamp

One of the things we love to do as a family whether on vacation or at home is to watch the sunset. When traveling we take time out to sit and just watch as the sun creates such colors in the sky. It is a great way to end a day. We are enjoying that every night during our night game drives we take time out to enjoy this event which is known in Africa as Sundowners.

On our last night at Kapamba Bushcamp Julius treated us to a wonderful surprise, Sundowner in the middle of the river. Now this is taking things to a whole new level.

We had so much fun that night.

  All week our family has been playing a little game, what animal would you be and why. As we sat watching the sky turn beautiful colors we played this with the whole camp. It got lots of laughs and was interesting finding out who everyone thinks they are most like.

A perfect ending to a day and to our 3 night stay at Kapamba Bushcamp.

This group is leopards and a warthog 


  1. i am beyond jealous this is amazing!

  2. Keep the pictures coming love looking at them. That is one of my dream vacations. Enjoy

  3. Looks incredible!!

  4. Nice. Take notes for BHW "sundown"

  5. Interesting.. Looks like he is standing in water
